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Site may not meet accessibility guidelines." }, "account-summary": { "valid-through": "Miles Expire", "miles-mobile-summary": "View miles summary", "elite-status-copy": "AAdvantage Member" }, "special-offers": { "promotions-header-mob": "Special offer", "continue-button": "Continue" }, "buy-tab": { "buy-tab-header": "Buy", "buy-header": "Buy miles", "promotion": { "offers": { "offer-header": "When you buy", "value-header": "You get" } } }, "gift-tab": { "gift-tab-header": "Gift", "gift-header": "Gift miles", "promotion": { "offers": { "offer-header": "When you gift", "value-header": "Bonus" } } }, "transfer-tab": { "transfer-tab-header": "Transfer", "transfer-header": "Transfer miles", "promotion": { "offers": { "offer-header": "When you transfer", "value-header": "Bonus" } } }, "miles-summary": { "miles-summary-header": "Miles summary", "award-miles": "Award Miles", "gift-miles": "Miles to buy or gift", "transfer-miles": "Miles to transfer" } }, "confirmation-page": { "start-transaction-button": "Start a new transaction", "confirmation-page-header": "Request submitted", "confirmation-page-message": "We have received your purchase request. If you have a reservation on hold don’t forget to complete your flight booking.", "confirmation-number": "Confirmation number:", "transaction-date": "Transaction date:", "buyer-summary": { "buyer-summary-header": "Your Information", "name-header": "Name", "advNumber-header": "AAdvantage number", "email-header": "Email address", "total-miles-purchased-header": "Total miles purchased", "total-miles-transferred-header": "Total miles transferred" }, "recipient-summary": { "recipient-summary-header": "Recipient Information", "name-header": "Recipients name", "advNumber-header": "AAdvantage number", "email-header": "Email address", "total-miles-received-header": "Total miles received", "personal-message-header": "Personal message" }, "transaction-summary": { "transaction-summary-header": "Transaction summary", "card-type": "Card type", "credit-card-number": "Credit card number", "credit-card-value": "Card ending in {{ccnumber}}", "exp-date": "Expiration date", "name-on-card": "Name on card", "aaAdv-number": "AAdvantage number", "billing-Address": "Billing address" } }, "common": { "calculate-miles": { "calculate-footer": { "miles-increment": "Round to the nearest 1,000 miles", "minimum-miles": "Minimum {{minimumMiles}} miles", "maximum-miles": "Maximum {{pendingMiles}} miles" }, "number-of-miles": "Number of miles", "calculate-button": "Calculate", "calculate-miles-question": "Enter number of miles", "total-miles": "Total miles", "bonus-miles-footer": "Includes {{bonusMiles}} bonus miles", "discount-amount-footer": "Includes {{discountAmount}} discount", "total-cost": "Total cost", "total-footer": "Includes taxes and discounts", "required": "Required", "processing": "processing", "select-account": "Account Type", "select-company": "Company", "miles-recipient-question": "Choose miles recipient", "company-award-miles": "award miles" }, "terms": { "conditions": "Buy, Gift, and Transfer Miles terms and conditions " }, "recipient-information": { "header": "Recipient Information", "required": "Required" }, "miles": "miles", "currently-selected": "currently selected" }, "review": { "review-pay": "Review and pay", "back-to-offers": "Back to offers", "cost-summary": { "cost-summary": "Cost summary", "faqs": "FAQs", "terms-conditions": "Terms and Conditions", "total-price": { "your-total": "Your total", "taxes-fees": "Includes taxes and discounts\nGST/HST will apply for residents of Canada", "total-miles-summary": "{{miles}} miles ", "total-bonus-miles-summary": "+ {{bonusMiles}} bonus miles", "percentage-discount-applied": "{{discount}}% discount applied", "flat-discount-applied": "Discount applied", "federal-excise-tax": "Federal excise tax", "gst-hst-tax": "GST/HST tax", "processing-fee": "Processing fee", "total": "Total" } }, "payment": { "payment-method": "How do you want to pay?", "payment-notice": "We accept credit and ATM/check/bank cards with an online-enabled PIN (with a billing address in the U.S., Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands).", "required": "Required", "email": "Email for receipt", "gst-added": "Canadian tax has been added to your purchase.", "gst-removed": "Canadian tax has been removed from your purchase." }, "terms-conditions": { "terms": "I accept the", "conditions": "Buy, Gift, and Transfer Miles terms and conditions" }, "pay-button": "Pay now", "loading-text": "We're processing your payment. Please don't click on your browser's back button." }, "generic": { "first-name": "First name", "middle-name": "Middle name", "last-name": "Last name", "email": "Email", "advantage-number": "AAdvantage number", "city": "City", "state": "State/Province", "country": "Country", "postal-code": "Postal code", "billing-address": "Billing Address", "billing-address-2": "Billing Address 2", "card-number": "Card number", "card-type": "Card type", "security-code": "Security code (CVV)", "month": "Month", "year": "Year", "confirm-email": "Confirm Email", "personal-message": "Personal Message", "skip-link": "Skip to content", "aa-link": "Go to aa.com", "user-default": "Usefr", "buy-image": "Buy Image", "gift-image": "Gift Image", "transfer-image": "Transfer Image", "new-window": "Opens in a new window", "back-to-login": "Back To Login", "select-language": "Select language", "close-popup": "Close popup window", "remember-selection": "Remember this selection?", "select": "Select", "choose-locale": "Choose locale", "locale-hint": "Use the enter key to open dropdown and the arrow keys to navigate the list. Hit enter to select a language. The currently selected language is {{language}}", "bonus-miles": "bonus miles", "off": "off", "close": "Close" }, "terms-conditions-page": { "header": "Buy, Gift, and Transfer Miles Terms and Conditions", "header1": "Buy, Gift, and Transfer Miles", "header2": "Terms and Conditions", "promo-offer": "Promotional Offer", "advantage-business-section": "AAdvantage® and AAdvantage Business™ programs", "buy-section": "Buy and Gift Miles Program", "transfer-section": "Transfer miles", "general-section": "General", "faq-section": "Frequently Asked Questions", "buy-gift-heading": "Buy / Gift Miles" }, "errors": { "SOMETHING_WRONG": "Something went wrong", "CHECK_INFO": "Please check your login information and try again.", "ERROR": "Our system is having trouble. Please try again or come back later.", "FRAUD": "Unable to complete your payment. Please contact the bank that issued your card or call 817-786-4317 if you have questions. ", "UNKNOWN": "Our system is having trouble. Please try again or come back later.", "REFUSED": "We’re having trouble with your payment. Check your information or try another card or payment type.", "VALIDATE": "We’re sorry! The credit card information entered is not valid. Please verify that you are typing in the credit card information correctly and try again.", "3DS": "We’re having trouble with your payment. Check your information or try another card or payment type.", "TRY_AGAIN": "Our system is having trouble. Please select continue to try again.", "HTTP ERROR": "Our system is having trouble. Please try again or come back later.", "BUSINESSRULEERROR": "We had trouble processing your transaction and your card was not charged.", "first-name-required": "First name is required", "ACCOUNT_NOT_OLD_ENOUGH": "The recipient's account is too new.  Please review the terms and conditions", "RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND": "Account not found!", "INVALID_RECIPIENT_DETAILS": "The AAdvantage account information entered does not match our records.  Please try again.", "last-name-required": "Last name is required", "entity-type-required": "Account Type is required", "entity-selection-required": "Company is required", "aadvantage-number-required": "AAdvantage Number is required", "email-required": "Email is required", "valid-email": "Please supply a valid email address", "emails-match": "Emails must match", "confirm-required": "Confirm email is required", "cost-calculation": { "NUMBER_OF_MILES_EXCEEDS_BALANCE" : "Number of miles entered exceeds account mileage balance.  Please reduce amount and try again.", "NUMBER_OF_MILES_REQUIRED": "Number of miles required", "INVALID_NUMBER_OF_MILES": "Number of miles should be Numeric and increments of 1000", "NUMBER_OF_MILES_MORE_THAN_MILES_TO_PURCHASE": "Number of miles should not exceed {{pendingMiles}}", "NUMBER_OF_MILES_LESS_THAN_MINIMUM_VALUE": "Enter minimum number of miles." }, "update-transaction-failed": "An error has occurred.", "user-not-allowed": "Could not identify recipient.", "missing-fields": "Missing required fields.", "missing-recipient-email": "The recipient email is missing.", "recipient-mileage-cap-exceeded": "We're sorry! The recipient has either reached their annual limit for receiving miles or the amount entered would exceed the recipient's remaining annual limit. Please reduce the amount or choose another recipient.", "generic": "An error has occurred.", "AVAILABLE_MILES_CAP_ERROR": "Mileage cap exceeded!", "ERROR_USER_SELF_TRANSACTION": "The AAdvantage number must be different for the Purchaser and the Recipient. Please edit your entry to proceed.", "SITE_DOWN_ERROR": "This page must have taken flight", "SITE_DOWN_ERROR_MSG": " We're sorry it's not here, but a world of possibilities is just a few clicks away.", "LOCKED_OUT_PREFIX": "For your security, we locked your account after too many unsuccessful tries. Please ", "LOCKED_OUT_LINK": "reset your password ", "LOCKED_OUT_SUFFIX": "and try again.", "LOCKED_OUT_HEADING": "You are locked out", "CC_NO_MISMATCH": "The card type and number you entered don't match.", "CVV_INCORRECT": "Please check the security code (CVV) and try again.", "CC_NUMBER_INVALID_LENGTH": "We’re sorry! The credit card information entered is not valid. Please verify that you are typing in the credit card information correctly and try again.", "CC_NUMBER_INVALID": "We’re sorry! The credit card information entered is not valid. Please verify that you are typing in the credit card information correctly and try again.", "CC_NUMBER_INVALID_FORMAT": "We’re sorry! The credit card information entered is not valid. Please verify that you are typing in the credit card information correctly and try again.", "expired-card": "Your card has expired", "global": { "ACCOUNT_NOT_OLD_ENOUGH": "We're sorry.\nYour account hasn't been active long enough.", "NO_MILES_TO_BUY": "You have reached your annual limit to buy and gift miles.", "NO_MILES_TO_BUY_SUFFIX": "Would you like to transfer miles instead?", "NO_MILES_TO_TRANSFER": "You have reached your annual limit to transfer miles.", "NO_MILES_TO_TRANSFER_SUFFIX": "Would you like to buy or gift miles instead?", "USER_NOT_FOUND": "User Not Found", "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR": "Error occurred during execution - please retry after sometime", "BAD_REQUEST": "Invalid Request Data" } }, "countries": [ { "code": "US", "name": "UNITED STATES", "states": [ { "code": "AL", "name": "Alabama" }, { "code": "AK", "name": "Alaska" }, { "code": "AZ", "name": "Arizona" }, { "code": "AR", "name": "Arkansas" }, { "code": "CA", "name": "California" }, { "code": "CO", "name": 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