Browser compatibility

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Supported browsers

We regularly monitor and test browsers to ensure the highest quality standards. We may discontinue support of existing browsers if they no longer meet W3C standards or are no longer supported by their development company.

Customers who use older or beta browser versions or other browsers may experience visual or functional difficulties with some pages.



*We don’t specify additional version levels for Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer 11 and above. These browsers use automatic updates, which means updates may occur rapidly and un-announced. However, these browsers all are based on current W3C guidelines and specifications and pass the stringent ACID tests for browser compliance.

Upgrade to another browser

How to determine which browser you're usingThis content can be expanded
Check your settings to fix some site functionality or broken page displaysThis content can be expanded
How to disable IE compatibility viewThis content can be expanded

Internet Explorer has compatibility view, a feature that affects how some websites are displayed. To make sure works properly, remove from your list of sites that have compatibility view enabled.

For IE11 users:

If your Windows computer is administered by your organization, you may not be able to access compatibility view settings or remove from the list of affected domains. Please contact your administrator or help desk as they may have used a Windows group policy setting to set this parameter for you.